Team Leg Leading Network Marketing Team USA & Canada
Profile - The Company, Pay Plan and Products
The company is nine year old and based in USA. On Saturday, May 2, 2020 launched MLM memberships for the first time. Experienced networking staff and leadership makes that a success. We are open to not only the USA but also Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Additional global outlets are continuing to roll out. We are in over a dozen countries world wide and expanding into more in 2022.
The pay plan is a binary with weekly pay outs. Most use direct deposits or checks can be mailed. Commissions on sales of products range from 10% to 40% plus monthly bonuses are available. COME PRE JOIN NOW AS WE BUILD YOUR DOWNLINE FOR YOU. Yes, we have you pre join for free. Once we have enough people pre joined under you we have you then join and those folks are then called on your behalf. We build fast as we advertise on and off line. Our team of veteran MLMers have built huge downlines... like 8,000+ in there downline in 2 years. Imagine having just 10% of that under you.
Products are a wide selection of health, wellness, sport, weight loss and management as well as items for pets. New products just came out April 2022 and more coming out this fall.
Auto Pilot MLM It's here for your success.